Flood Alleviation Scheme Begins at Island Road

WORKS to raise the road level at Island Road to prevent future flooding begins on Monday (January 15th), with visitors to Smallmead Household Waste and Recycling Centre being advised some delays may be possible.

A stretch of Island Road regularly floods during periods of extreme rainfall and after prolonged wet periods. In some instances, the road has to be closed completely for standing water to be pumped away, causing significant disruption for road users and visitors to the Council’s Smallmead Household Waste and Recycling Centre. The flood alleviation scheme beginning next week is being undertaken and fully funded by the developer (Evander Properties) of the new industrial units park in Island Road, as part of its Section 278 Agreement obligations with the Council. Without that agreement, the £497,000 cost of the scheme would have had to be funded by the Council. In order to keep the duration of the works to a minimum, and to ensure the safety of workers and members of the public, Island Road will be reduced to one lane for the works. This will be operated under temporary traffic light control. The project is expected to take up to 8 weeks to complete. Advance notices warning of the works and letter drops to businesses and residents along Island Road will be undertaken this week, before works start on Monday.

Councillor Tony Page, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport, said:

“Regular visitors to Island Road will be aware of the flooding which occurs following a period of heavy or prolonged rain. “The costs of these improvement works are significant and are being fully funded by the developer of the new industrial units on Island Road, as part of a planning agreement negotiated by the Council.

“In the short term, visitors to Smallmead are being asked to build in some extra time for their journeys as the temporary traffic lights will inevitably cause some delays, particularly over the weekends when there is always a spike in the number of people visiting the Household Waste and Recycling Centre. We thank residents for their patience whilst these important works take place.”